Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Support team, everyone needs one!

Whether you're doing this alone, with a friend, or family member, everyone needs support! Many people are ashamed of admitting they are trying to get healthy, maybe afraid of failure, or scared of rejection? I don't really know the reasons, I've been more than open about this process since the day I started. For me, the more open I am the more accountable I feel! I want people to ask me about it, I want people checking up on me, I need that!

I've been very lucky throughout this process, my family is so supportive they offer me unconditional support and words of encouragement. They keep me going when I am feeling sluggish, and boost me back up again! In addition to family members, I have friends and coworkers that have been there praising me, encouraging me, asking for health advice, and keeping me in check :) Lastly, my ww family and leader! I don't know what I would've done without the support of that family. My leader has checked in on me if I didn't come to a meeting for a while, and my fellow members have shared their struggles/milestones to keep me motivated!

I cannot stress enough how important it is to surround yourself with positive people that are going to pick you up when feeling down, praise you, push you when you need a little push, and provide you unconditional love and support!

Thank you to my entire support team! Without ALL of you, I don't think I could've done this!!!


  1. I am going through it with my mom, but my husband goes along with the diet and runs every night with me. Oh, and then there are my 4 boys who alternate between cheering me on and laughing at the way I run!

  2. That's awesome!!!! You are very lucky to have such a great family! And boys will be boys, that's their way of showing the love! :) lol good luck to you!!
