Sunday, April 1, 2012

Recipe - Kale Chips


I have been trying all sorts of new snacks trying to change things up a bit and my cousin recommended kale chips. Such a good "mindless" snack when you just need a munchy :)

Kale is a green leafy vegetable, near the greens & lettuce in the produce section
Very cheap too! One bunch at Walmart last week was $.99 which made 3 baking sheets of kale chips!

1. Preheat oven to 300
2. Cut off the bottom stem, and peel the kale from the top part of the step
3. Break into bite size pieces
4. Line baking sheet w/ tin foil and spray tin foil lightly w/ oil
5. Spread kale evenly on the pan, drizzle kale with oil ( very very lightly)
6. Season with Mrs. Dash season salt
7. Bake for approx. 11 minutes or until kale becomes stiff (should still be green in color) WARNING, one minute of baking could make or break the kale turnout. Watch to be sure they don't overcook.
8. Store in paper lunch bag so they don't get soggy
9. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

ps... my blog needed a face lift!

Hope you like the new look :)

The summer plan of attack.

There is a mere 3 1/2 months left until summer, I don't feel summer ready at all. I actually feel a little jiggly...

In preparation for both my "Spring Fever" incentive I am running in my WW meeting starting next Tuesday 03/06, and my own personal goal to get ready for summer it is time to start a plan:

1. Continue to track
2. Lose 7lbs
3. Tone
4. Get my running back in check

Each of these things are absolutely doable, and none are really out of the "norm" for me. But all of them are equally as important in preparation for helping me feel ready for summer.

I have always said that as long as I was in the 140's I'd be happy, well that is not entirely true. The last two months I have been between 150-152 and well, it makes me really really not happy. That is not where I want to be, I gained a little over 2lbs around Xmas and they have stayed for 2 months. This is ridiculous. It is really a mind game for me, and I have been working towards getting back into "lose mode" for the last few weeks. It's quite an adjustment from being in maintenance for almost a year, but I feel it's time.

So there it is, I am declaring my plan. And will be more than happy when summer comes and I am feeling ready to be in shorts, a tank, my swimsuit, and running my races :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mid-week check in

Just a quick update on my week, my son is very sick so it threw off my week a bit as far as getting to the gym... we are on day 3 of staying home sick :(

Praying for his health to get better!

More to come, and a couple of really good dessert recipes on the way that I tried over the weekend for a family function...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Some people just do not understand...

You can surround yourself with support and people that love/care about you, but the truth is unless you have gone through this process, you will never truly understand. And this process is so up/down, it's a constant battle... just because you lose the weight and "look" to most people like you have got your crap together, that inner plus size girl never fully goes away. She is back there and seems to pop out on occasion, sometimes I think it just a friendly reminder of the place I don't ever want to go back to.

Little things though can trigger a frenzy, and sometimes it is on purpose and I indulge because I plan for it. But then the next day, something as simple as a bad breakfast start can throw my entire day off... or a meal that didn't satisfy me, a bite of chocolate... anything really. Most people just do not understand it at all, "you can eat that, stop depriving yourself" "want a bite?" "you can splurge once and a while"... what they don't get is that we don't need much convincing. So stop it! Anyone that has gone through this process is part of a "family", we get it, and understand fully.

Does that mean that you surround yourself with only people that have lost a significant amount of weight by eating healthy and exercise? No. It's a work in progress, and when I say progress, I really mean we work on it for life.

Update on me:

Still on track and doing great :)
Eating great
Weighing in again every week, 4th week in a row of weekly weigh ins and the scale is moving in the right direction each and every time... I was up 2.4 from my goal since the end of December which doesn't seem like much. But to me its 2.4 too much.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

To add more protein, that is the question?

I have been contemplating adding more protein to my routine, and eating maybe a protein bar after my workouts... The problem? They average 4-7 PointsPlus and that for me, is an entire meal. I will do it if I feel that it is nutritionally of value to me and worth the points, but boy that seems like a lot! I have a hard enough time sticking to 26 in a day!

I have been reading up the extra added benefits to adding more protein to my diet and it seems like overall: helps repair the muscles after a workout, which ultimately will help create leaner muscles, keeps you satisfied longer in between meals, and balance out your metabolism. These are all really really good things, but then for me I can't get the image of a body builder out of my head! lol :) I am kidding, I know that increasing protein slightly would never do that to a body without a massive amount of weight training. But I have heard from several of my members that adding protein has played a part in a weight gain or stall at the scale for them... And I can't really afford that, I am trying so hard to lose a few more pounds so all of these things play a part in deciding if it is worth adding or not...

I feel like I do get quite a bit of protein in regularly with lean meats, dairy products, so what's adding another resource? And how do I decide which one to eat? When I look at the nutrition facts on the back of a protein bar it kind of freaks me out!

Hmmmmmm... all things to consider.


Didn't exercise
Ate very well, even went to Red Lobster with my girl friend and looked up everything prior to going so I would make smart choices :) AND we both only ate ONE of those delicious cheesy biscuit things... man those are good.
Tracked, even the things I ate at Red Lobster

Plan for today:
Still deciding if I am going to participate in the pizza for my niece's bday party or not
Get some form of activity in since I didn't exercise yesterday, I need to either today or tomorrow to make up for yesterday

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Morning workout? I think so

I typically go to the gym right after work, and if something comes up, my workouts seem to be the first thing to get placed on the back burner...

SO today I knew I wouldn't be able to go to the gym after work, so I set my alarm 30 minutes earlier (5am) and worked out before work. Something I have never done, and actually I quite enjoyed it! It was really nice to get it in and out of the way without really disrupting anything else I had going on :)

I am going on a dinner/shopping date with my dear friend tomorrow and won't be able to make it to the gym so I am planning on doing it again! I MAY need to do that more often and build it into more of a regular routine for a great start to the day.

Today was another great day:

30 Day Shred DVD for my workout
Ate great!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What happens when the curtain closes?

When you first start to lose weight and start to look healthy again, every single day you hear how great you look, people asking how much weight you have lost, and receive lots of feedback from your peers.... ITS AMAZING!!! Not that I am an overly self centered person, but seriously who doesn't like to be told they look great on a daily basis?! I am just being honest, you know you'd feel the same way... lol

But what happens when that stops?

After maintaining my weight now for almost a full year I can tell you, it does stop, and well, it kinda sucks :( It sucks because that feedback was like fuel to me when I was losing, it kept me going because I thrived to hear the feedback from others. I had gone years being the shadow of skinny friends/sisters and to finally be the one that is getting noticed for the way they look was life changing! I am sure I sound like the most egotistical person ever right now, and maybe I am, but I am really just being me and well this is my journal for today  - so there.

So now, I need to find my fuel from within... I need my boost to come from my own self! Because well, I deserve it, and I have worked too hard to not still feel as motivated as I did on day 1.


Tracked - sure did
Ate very well
Worked out: 20 minutes of cardio, 30 minutes of strength training

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Journal day 2

Today was a great day, my meeting this morning was fantastic! (Aside from a member telling me I talk too I am starting to really get a solid group of people, around 28-34 typically...
I opened my meeting with "How did Super Bowl Sunday go? Did anybody track what they ate?" The member that told me I talk too much asked me "Did you track?" At that moment, it not only caught me off guard, but I was busted. I didn't track, though I didn't eat bad at all, I also didn't track. I admitted it, and told the member that I would consider myself a "C Student" when it came to tracking, sometimes really good and sometimes terrible. It sort of made me feel that the members saw that I was human, and owning it. But also, it made me feel sort of like a phony.

I am making an effort, and today I started a community tracker for my members. I purchased two three month trackers and each week a member will take it home use it for the week and pass it onto someone else. I am HOPING that this will encourage tracking more, but also that we can all learn from each other's tracking techniques. We'll see :)

For today:

Worked out - 45 minutes of hardcore cardio
Ate very well

Monday, February 6, 2012

Yes, I am alive.

So it's been about 2 months since my last post, not really sure why. Part of me felt I was writing about the same topics over and over again and I just needed time, but then after taking a break I realized that this blog is about me, my journey, my strengths, my struggles, so why was I so concerned about what other people were thinking about my topics?

As an effort to keep myself more accountable, I am going to temporarily use my blog as a personal journal. I have been feeling very lonely in my journey lately, and need some more accountability. I have seen a few old habits start to sneak up on me, and I very quickly need to put them to rest.

Though I lead meetings every single week, I don't get the same support in leading meetings as I did when I was attending meetings as a "regular" member. It is kind of challenging to attend meetings now, people look and listen to you quite differently. And I am human, but most people look at a leader as a "WW Model Member", perfection. There is a certain pressure there, and an image to keep. But after everything that is said and done, I still need support and encouragement.

For today:

No exercise
Ate very decent, stayed on track