Sunday, April 1, 2012

Recipe - Kale Chips


I have been trying all sorts of new snacks trying to change things up a bit and my cousin recommended kale chips. Such a good "mindless" snack when you just need a munchy :)

Kale is a green leafy vegetable, near the greens & lettuce in the produce section
Very cheap too! One bunch at Walmart last week was $.99 which made 3 baking sheets of kale chips!

1. Preheat oven to 300
2. Cut off the bottom stem, and peel the kale from the top part of the step
3. Break into bite size pieces
4. Line baking sheet w/ tin foil and spray tin foil lightly w/ oil
5. Spread kale evenly on the pan, drizzle kale with oil ( very very lightly)
6. Season with Mrs. Dash season salt
7. Bake for approx. 11 minutes or until kale becomes stiff (should still be green in color) WARNING, one minute of baking could make or break the kale turnout. Watch to be sure they don't overcook.
8. Store in paper lunch bag so they don't get soggy
9. Enjoy!