Saturday, December 10, 2011

Shake your booty!

Happy Saturday, a quick post today to share how much I LOVE dancing games for the WII :) They are such a great workout without having to go to the gym! I've been doing them for a long time, but this past week I rented a couple more to try and my daughter & I have been busting it out!

Ones I love:

Michael Jackson Experience (my all time fav)
Just Dance 2

I've also tried:
Just Dance
Just Dance 3

A great way to not only get a cardio workout in, but spend with the fam shakin' it! Can't say enough good things about them, so get out there and WORK IT OUT! Holla!

Have a great weekend :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A much better week :)

After feeling like a bum for the last few weeks with my lack of exercise, I took control and got back in the game! I did my "normal" workout routine this past week, and it feels much better... I really needed to do that :)

My goal for the next week: Exercise at least 4 times for a minimum of 30 minutes each time

On a completely unrelated topic, my meetings have been going well. I really feel like I am starting to win the members over, and build my regular audience. I have been very honest with the group about my recent struggles, but also with my strength to keep at it and push through the challenging times. It makes me human, and I think helps them understand that I am not perfect and have the same struggles as they do. Just because I am a leader doesn't make me 100% on track at all times, and they need to know that I am right there with them. I have been leading this meeting for a month now, the first two weeks were a little rough with some more long term members that were very attached to the previous leader but I am hoping with time, we can also build that kind of relationship and I can prove myself to them. I am really enjoying leading, it gives me a different outlook on my journey, and is very rewarding :)