Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where have I been?!?!

I am not sure what my problem has been for the last three weeks, but boy have I been slacking. I haven't blogged, haven't tracked, have hardly exercised, and my eating over Turkey day definitely could have been better.

I have been lazy. No real excuses, just lazy.

I got out of my routine, and it has been a struggle for me to get back into it. But I said to myself over the weekend that no matter what it took I would get back on track and move forward. And this week, has been much better for me. I might be over-analyzing this a bit, but I keep looking over my actions/behavior over the last few weeks and wonder, what changed? I am not sure anything really "changed", I just slipped.

Luckily, I have managed to stay at the exact same weight and I haven't gone completely overboard in the eating direction. That has stayed the same, aside from Thanksgiving. (Which by the way, I completely over ate to the point of the worst stomach ache I have had in a really really long time...). And because I have now made this my lifestyle I able to recognize when I am slipping, and have the strength to make it right. I have the want and need to continue on, and this is just part of this process. It's a daily challenge, and doesn't go away just because I lost weight. I have said this before, the "fat" girl is still in me and she pokes out every once and a while to keep me in check.

I talked about my struggles with my members at last weeks' meetings, I feel it is important that they realize that I have the same struggles as them and we are in this together. I am not perfect, and I want them to realize that these feelings really never go away completely. There will always been ups and downs along the way.

I am going to keep on trucking, giving my best and doing what is needed to stay where I want to be. And truthfully, even though I have not gained any weight in the last 3 weeks, I feel gross. I need to be on track, for my own sanity.

On a plus note, I have recently discovered knitting! It has seriously helped me with my "TV munchies"! I am keeping my hands busy and I haven't been snacking nearly as much while I am watching TV :) I might not be very good at it, but I enjoy it!

So here's to a great week! AND it's my baby boys' 3rd birthday tomorrow :) 3 already!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Damn you Halloween Candy....

Everyone that knows me, knows I have an addiction to fruit snacks and chewy treats.... Ugh. Something I cannot move on from, I have fruit snacks every single night, at least two packs. Love them. WELL, with Halloween and the ridiculous amount of candy my children got this past year - man I sure am tapping into those chewy treats. Between, fruit snacks, tootsie rolls, laffy taffy, and anything else they may have rec'd, I can't keep my hands out of that cookie jar!For the most part, I am not doing nearly as bad as I thought I would be but it seems like I have been grabbing them more often than "normal". I have no self control when it comes to candy... usually I eat so much of it the first few days that I get sick of it and then don't want it for a while. I am really hoping that will be the case.

Make it go away. Damn you candy.