Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Recipe - Mini Meatloaf

I've always been a fan of meatloaf, I've tried several recipes and this is my favorite so far (that's healthy)! Hope you like it as much as I do :)

Mini Meatloaf

1lb Lean Ground Turkey or Beef (93/7)
1 Packet Onion Soup Mix
1 Box Low Sodium Chicken Stuffing Mix (unprepared)
1 Cup Water
2 Whole Eggs
1/2 Cup Shredded Carrots
*3/4 Cup Chopped Mushrooms
*1/2 Cup Chopped Onion

* Optional Ingredients

1. Preheat Oven to 350°

2. In separate bowl mix 1 cup water and stuffing mix, let sit

3. Mix remaining ingredients well, I usually mix with my hands

4. Once mixed, add in stuffing and mix again

5. In greased 9x13 pan, form into 5-6 mini loafs

6. Bake for 1 hour, let sit for a few minutes to cool before serving

Split into 6 servings (each serving 7 WW PointsPlus)

Before Baked, I can never fit 6 loafs in my pan

Completed Meal! Enjoy!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Success, they fit!

1998 Sophmore Year Formal Christmas Dance Dress (Picture taken 05/29/11)

1998 Sophmore Year Formal Christmas Dance Dress (Picture taken 12/98)

I have saved all of my high school formal dresses, I keep them at my mom's. This past weekend I was feeling a little risky and decided to try them on, it was either going to go really bad or really good... I was thin in high school and really didn't think ANY of them would fit, but to my surprise, they DID!!!! I tried on dresses from Sophmore year through Senior year, and every one fit! I was beaming from ear to ear, relieved that I could not only get them on but zip them AND breath! This was a serious milestone for me, and it feels so great :) Maybe I can actually move them to my own house now... not so depressing to look at them anymore.

I am one happy girl!!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Said Good Bye to a Great Man

This past weekend, celebrated the life and said good bye to my Uncle. Though it was a terribly sad event, seeing my family was really nice. Its weird how a tragedy brings everyone back together again... Something happens when I am with the 'Rocks' I lose all self control! The family can eat, and there is food literally everywhere! Between Sammy's Pizza, Coneys, and sweets I am pretty sure I gained at least five pounds. Ugh. I ate absolutely terrible! Oh well, it happens I guess.

I am lucky to have spent the day with my uncle last month, and though he loved me no matter what I looked like or how much I weighed it felt great for him to see me healthy. Give him one last bear hug, tell him I loved him one more time...he was a very special man and I'm so grateful for everything he has shared with me in my life.

I love you Gener, and I KNOW that you are up there with my Grandpa Dan eating Sammy's on the boat!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Biggest Loser

Tonight sitting at home, I received a text message from my sister telling me how proud she is of me...she was watching The Biggest Loser! That show is very emotional for me to watch. Though I may not have lost 100+ pounds, my life has changed. The feelings they share and talk about are like an exact mirror image of how I feel each day, the struggles they go through are the same type of struggles I have. I find myself sobbing uncontrollably every time I watch it! Part of me watches it for extra motivation and to give me a reminder of this journey and how lucky I am to have been successful. Its very humbling!

This past week I have had a lot of mixed emotions, between my mother in law in ICU, my FAVORITE uncle that is like my grandfather passing away, and my two year old son having a severe allergic reaction I would typically turn to food to console myself. I can honestly say, I've handled myself absolutely appropriately and have behaved myself... stress for me is a trigger and I have a hard time staying focused with situations around me. I must be getting a little stronger because that was not the case this time, I remained strong and focused!

With that said, my mother in law is out of the hospital, my son is back to normal, and my dear Uncle Gener is pain free with my Grandpa in heaven. Though I will miss him terribly, I know that he will have a better quality of life now than he did his last few months on earth.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Before, After and Progess Pictures of MY Journey

I cannot believe I am going to do this... I actually shared my before pictures with my Weight Watcher's family tonight. Believe it or not, it actually felt GREAT! I wasn't ashamed of them, I wasn't scared to share them in the least bit! So I decided to share them with my supporters... This may not be for the weak, what you are about to see is pretty bad. But it's me. The old me.

I took these pictures in 10lbs increments, wearing the exact same thing each time. Also please note, I took these pics from my phone of my notebook that they are taped in. So the quality isn't the greatest!

Before 06/21/2010 203.4lbs

1st 20lbs Down 183.0lbs 09/09/2010 Week 12

30lbs Down 173.0lbs 10/24/2010 Week 18.5

40lbs Down 162.8lbs 12/30/2010 Week 28

50lbs Down 153.2lbs 03/31/2011 Week 41

Letter to the "old" Shantal - Celebrated my Lifetime Goal Tonight

In Picture from tonight at my WW Lifetime Celebration... Me, Missy (my Leader), Lisa, and Alyssa. These fantastic staff members have helped me every week for the last 48 weeks!

With celebrating MY LIFETIME GOAL tonight with the WW family; it felt only natural to write a letter to the old me, from the new me. The feelings that came over me this evening were so unbelievable. I have came so far and to be able to stand up and celebrate it, truly amazing.

Dear Old Shantal,

When I look at who you were, it is hard for me to stomach that person, that sight. I feel sad for you, I see the pain in your eyes, and the shame in your face. I know that each and everyday, you are wishing you were someone else. Your "fat" clothes are too tight, and you were convinced it is just your winter weight and it will go down again. Guess what? It's not your clothes, it's you. You are obese. You are more than obese, you are dying and killing yourself each day that you make poor choices.

You hid food, ashamed to eat in front of people and binge eat when no one is around. The lack of movement in your life is absolutely terrible, you hardly played with your own kids! They were missing out on YOU!!!!!!! They want you, they need you, they want the mom they deserve to have. You need to be setting an example for them, showing them how to LIVE. Get off your ass! You were not too busy to eat healthy and prepare meals for your family, you were not too busy to workout, it's all BS. If you want it, do it. Stop being that person that complains about being unhappy with themselves, but does nothing to try and change it. I love you, you deserve the best in life. You are a great person, and people like you. You forgot who you were, you were lost. Your husband loves you how you were, but was scared that he would be raising your children without you if you didn't change.

As the "new" Shantal, I can tell you I am happy, beautiful, confident, healthy, and feel like I am a teenager again. I can walk into any store and buy clothes without having to worry about the size. I can workout and finish it without feeling like I might die or puke. I do not need to stand a certain way in pictures anymore to try and hide my body or my chin(s). I can be ME again, I have found myself. I have gained my life back. I play with my children, I bring them outside, go for walks or to the park or whatever it is that they want to do. I actually look forward to get up each day and get ready for work looking forward to the outfit I might wear. I enjoy being active, and cannot imagine my life without it. I LOVE hearing people tell me how I look like a different person, I am. I look at life completely different now.

I can tell you that I am still scared of you. I am scared that you could return one day, and as much as I love you. I hate you. I don't want to see your face again, that look of shame in your eyes it something that I saw each day for far too long. I want to see joy, pride, excitement, happiness, beauty, and love. I want to see... ME! You are in my past, and long gone. Though I will move on from you, I will never forget you. Without you, I would not be ME today. I needed you to show me what I don't want in life anymore. I needed you to show me what it is like to walk in someone else's shoes.

The day you decided you had enough and needed a change, June 21, 2010. You walked into Weight Watcher's and asked for help, at 5'4" you weighed in at 203.4lbs. You couldn't believe that you could have allowed yourself to get to that point, but for once instead of making excuses as to why you were that heavy, you took responsibility and owned it. You knew it wouldn't be an easy journey, but it was something that you were ready to take on. You were more determined than you'd ever felt in your life.

As the new you, 48 weeks later I have met your goal, and exceeded it. I am so proud to say that I currently weigh in at 151.2lbs! That is 52.2lbs lighter than the day I walked into that building!!!!! I am going to continue this journey and see where it takes me. I am not going to stop, this is my life now. I am still as determined as I was in the beginning, but have realized how hard I have worked to get to this point. I am so proud of you, I am so impressed that you DID it! When I hug you, I can actually wrap my arms around you :) I love you, you absolutely did it.


The New and Seriously Improved Shantal

Monday, May 16, 2011

Recipe - Personal Pan Pita Pizza

Let's face it, just about everyone likes pizza every once and a while. Every time I eat a delicious greasy piece, I regret it. I can't stop after one piece, so by the time I'm done I've completely over done it! I made these pita pizzas for my family last night, and hands down EVERYONE loved them! They absolutely satisfied my craving without the guilt!

6 Whole Wheat Pitas
1 Jar Pizza Sauce
1 1/2 cup Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
*Black Olives
*Turkey Pepperoni
*Turkey Sausage

*Optional Ingredients

1. Preheat oven to 425

2. Lay pitas flat, and add 2 tbsp pizza sauce on top of each pita

3. Add toppings on top of sauce for each pita

4. Add 2 tbsp cheese on top

5. Bake for apprx 15 minutes or until golden brown

Serving Size is One Pita Pizza (Depending on toppings used, 6 WW PointsPlus per pita with just veggies, 7 WW PointsPlus per pita with turkey pepperoni OR turkey sausage)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I am the key to my own success!

This past week I've had some mixed emotions, ups and some downs. I've had some 'a ha!'moments, and really have realized that I am the ONLY person I can count on 100% of time, its up to ME to make it happen. Nobody can force me to eat right or eat unhealthy, or workout... me. I am the key to my own success. No, I couldn't do this without my support team helping/pushing me along the way, but it in the end, its me. My eyes have opened to those around me, I've seen and realized who's truly happy and encouraging for me, and those who are not. And again, its up to me. I am the one and only Shantal, and I am doing this for ME, MY health, and MY life. No one else can or will drag me down!


Call me self centered, call me self absorbed, DON'T CARE. I am, and will continue to be. Why? Because I am important, and deserve it. I have worked too hard to put myself on the backburner. No more, I need to feel important, successful, loved and happy, and I AM ALL OF THAT, PLUS SOME! This is the first time in years, that I have put myself first. Feels fantastic!

I feel better now, I needed to just unload a bit! I feel amazing today, I absolutely killed my 5k time this morning, ending at 30.04!!!

How's this for a Saturday morning??! Love it!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A typical workout week

The beginning of each week, I plan out my workouts. For me, I need to almost schedule them in so they get done! Don't get me wrong, last minute changes happen, plans change. I try very hard to workout at least five days a week, some days more intense, other days nice and easy cardio. I do enjoy working up a good sweat, and afterwards I feel so good!!! I go through periods of time where I lack motivation and skip the occassional workout or two...or three. I get right back on the wagon and get to work!

At first, it was hard to just walk around the block. I did only cardio (walking) for the first three months, then I made the plunge and got a gym membership. My husband works out of town or late nights 90% of the time, I needed to be able to workout without having to worry about my two kids. I did my research and found a reasonable gym, with childcare. I was overwhelmed with all of the equipment, I didn't know how to use it! I sort of observed how other people used them for the few few weeks and watch the trainers for some tips! :) Now, I love going to the gym because of the variety and options! I never get bored!

I am a woman of routine, though I mix up my workouts I tend to follow the same pattern each week. Here is a typical workout week:

Monday - 30 min cardio of any kind, and 30-40 min of strength/resistance training

Tuesday - Off, with my daughters dance class its a busy night! I rest every Tuesday

Wednesday - 30 min cardio of any kind, and 30-40 min strength/resistance training

Thursday - 60 min cardio of any kind

Friday - 60 min pool resistance training, with dumb bells, noodle

Saturday - Off (usually unless I run a 5k)

Sunday - 60 min cardio of any kind, unless I run on Saturday then I take off

Examples of cardio: walking, jogging, ellipticle machine, bike, rollerblading

As I've lost weight, I've increased my resistance training. I want to be toned, and tighten things back up! It is super important to do both!

I'm tired from just typing that :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Recipe - Chicken Cordon Bleu

This recipe is soooooo yummy!! It came from my Emealz recipes, so I'm not taking the credit! Have made it several times, and my family loves it :)

Chicken Cordon Bleu

6 - 4oz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
6oz Deli Style Smoked Ham
6 Slices Thin Swiss Cheese
2/3 Cup Fat Free Chicken Broth
2 tbsp Fat Free Mayo
1/2 Cup Italian Bread Crumbs

1. Slice each chicken breast down the side, leaving one side connected

2. Add 1oz ham and 1 slice of swiss cheese into the sliced open chicken, closing the top once completed

3. Brush chicken with mayo and roll in breadcrumbs

4. Saute` chicken in skillet over medium heat until browned

5. Add broth, bring to boil

6. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer for about 5-7 minutes until done

1 Chicken Breast per serving (7 WW PointsPlus each)

I faced my fear... I bought a new swimsuit

I hope all of the mommys had a great day yesterday! My day was amazing, and spending it with my family was all I could ask for :) My husband made me a delicious breakfast (and healthy!), bought me a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers, my six year old made me a homemade crown, and to top it off my husband wanted to take me shopping for some desperately needed summer clothes! Does it get any better than this??!!

Two things I've feared about buying summer clothes, shorts & a swimsuit. I haven't worn shorts in about seven years, my goal since kicking my workouts up a notch has been to wear a pair of shorts AND feel comfortable in them. I've still been wearing my old swimsuit, which at any moment looks like it is going to fall down. Yesterday, I tackled both fears and felt great in both!!!! I tried on several swimsuits, some looked ok and some didn't. I found a style I liked, and most importantly, I left the store happy and relieved instead of the typical tears that come with swimsuit shopping!!!

My shorts were a much easier experience, they were the first pair I tried on and looked awesome! Overall, everything I tried on fit perfectly. It was such a great feeling, and a seriously successful trip! What a relief :)

A mother's day to remember!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Today's Race & My Favorite Cheerleaders

I ran another 5k this morning, it was a great run! I beat my last time by 1 1/2 minutes, finishing at 35.10!!!! But today's race wasn't about my time, it was me setting an example for my family and showing them mommy can do this! My husband and children came to watch me for the first time, it meant so much to me! For them to see me start and finish was truly indescribable. It made me push to finish strong! I want them growing up seeing a healthy lifestyle, and understanding the importance of exercise. I found myself getting emotional seeing them standing there cheering me on, so excited to see me! What a great feeling and reminder of why I am doing this!

An awesome start to a Saturday! I'm so happy and proud right now :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Munchies, munchies! Some of my favorites :)

I am a big snacker! I can only eat so much fruit and veggies, sometimes i just need some salt or sweets! I enjoy munchies, and I'm a creature of habit. Once I find a comfort food, I stick with it. I grocery shop at Walmart, Target, and Aldi's, all of these products can be found at one of them. Enjoy these delicious snacks!

Tip...Whenever I buy a large bag with more than one serving in the bag, I put one serving in Ziploc baggies and put the baggies back in the large bag. Then you have one serving ready to grab at anytime!

1. Veggie Straws, Aldi's (38 per serving = 3 WW PointsPlus)

2. Quaker Apple Cinnamon Mini Rice Cakes, Target/Walmart (8 per serving = 2 WW PointsPlus)

3. Jolly Time HealthyPop Butter Flavor 100 Calorie Mini Bag Popcorn, Target/Walmart (1 mini bag = 3 WW PointsPlus)

4. SnackPack Sugar Free Pudding, Target/Walmart (1 package = 2 WW PointsPlus)

5. Pepperidge Farms Chocolate Goldfish Crackers, Target/Walmart (50 crackers per serving = 3 WW PointsPlus)

6. Light String Cheese, Target/Walmart/Aldi's (1 stick = 1 WW PointsPlus)

7. Light and Active Fruit Strips, Aldi's (1 strip = 1 WW PointsPlus)

8. Light and Active Ice Cream Sandwiches, Aldi's (1 sandwich = 3 WW PointsPlus)

9. Fiber One 90 Calorie Chocolate Chewy Bars, Target/Walmart ( 1 bar = 2 WW PointsPlus)

10. Special K Cereal Bars, Target/Walmart (1 bar = 2 WW PointsPlus)


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Support team, everyone needs one!

Whether you're doing this alone, with a friend, or family member, everyone needs support! Many people are ashamed of admitting they are trying to get healthy, maybe afraid of failure, or scared of rejection? I don't really know the reasons, I've been more than open about this process since the day I started. For me, the more open I am the more accountable I feel! I want people to ask me about it, I want people checking up on me, I need that!

I've been very lucky throughout this process, my family is so supportive they offer me unconditional support and words of encouragement. They keep me going when I am feeling sluggish, and boost me back up again! In addition to family members, I have friends and coworkers that have been there praising me, encouraging me, asking for health advice, and keeping me in check :) Lastly, my ww family and leader! I don't know what I would've done without the support of that family. My leader has checked in on me if I didn't come to a meeting for a while, and my fellow members have shared their struggles/milestones to keep me motivated!

I cannot stress enough how important it is to surround yourself with positive people that are going to pick you up when feeling down, praise you, push you when you need a little push, and provide you unconditional love and support!

Thank you to my entire support team! Without ALL of you, I don't think I could've done this!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

A rough weekend...

Here I am, Monday, and in complete control over my eating and exercise. You would have no idea that I had the hardest time over the weekend! My eating was totally out of control, and I felt nothing satisfied me. This seems to be kind of a trend lately, I struggle so much on the weekend! I don't understand what changes? How can one person go from in control to out of control just like "that"? And why is it even harder when I'm just having a quiet weekend at home with my family and no plans?

Ugh, frustrating. But what can I do but continue to try my best and work through those struggles day by day.

Today is a brand new day, new week and it'll be ok! This coming weekend, I'm going to make it a point to stay focused and remain in control. I hate the way I feel on Monday when I know I was not good for the last two days... boo.

I ate great today, and worked out hard! I will turn this around :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Recipe - Asian Noodle Bowl (soup)

My dearest friend made this soup for me a couple of weeks ago, it is soooo good!!! Very flavorful and hearty :)

Asian Noodle Bowl

2 Cups Cooked Chicken Diced
2 Cups Thinly Sliced Bok Choy (vegetable)
1/2 Cup Thinly Sliced Green Onion
8oz Sliced Mushrooms
1/2 Cup Julienne Cut Carrots
2 Garlic Cloves (pressed)
3 Cups Water
1 Can (14oz) Fat Free Vegetable OR Chicken Broth
2 tbsp Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce
1 Package Oriental Flavor Ramen Noodles

1. Add prepared mushrooms, carrots, and garlic in casserole pan (4 quarts)

2. Add water, broth, soy sauce, and seasoning from ramen noodles. Bring to boil.

3. Add chicken, bok choy, onions, and noodles.

4. Cover, remove from heat. Let stand for 3 minutes, serve immediately.

Servings should be approximately 1 cup (3 WW PointsPlus per serving)