Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What happens when the curtain closes?

When you first start to lose weight and start to look healthy again, every single day you hear how great you look, people asking how much weight you have lost, and receive lots of feedback from your peers.... ITS AMAZING!!! Not that I am an overly self centered person, but seriously who doesn't like to be told they look great on a daily basis?! I am just being honest, you know you'd feel the same way... lol

But what happens when that stops?

After maintaining my weight now for almost a full year I can tell you, it does stop, and well, it kinda sucks :( It sucks because that feedback was like fuel to me when I was losing, it kept me going because I thrived to hear the feedback from others. I had gone years being the shadow of skinny friends/sisters and to finally be the one that is getting noticed for the way they look was life changing! I am sure I sound like the most egotistical person ever right now, and maybe I am, but I am really just being me and well this is my journal for today  - so there.

So now, I need to find my fuel from within... I need my boost to come from my own self! Because well, I deserve it, and I have worked too hard to not still feel as motivated as I did on day 1.


Tracked - sure did
Ate very well
Worked out: 20 minutes of cardio, 30 minutes of strength training

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