Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Some people just do not understand...

You can surround yourself with support and people that love/care about you, but the truth is unless you have gone through this process, you will never truly understand. And this process is so up/down, it's a constant battle... just because you lose the weight and "look" to most people like you have got your crap together, that inner plus size girl never fully goes away. She is back there and seems to pop out on occasion, sometimes I think it just a friendly reminder of the place I don't ever want to go back to.

Little things though can trigger a frenzy, and sometimes it is on purpose and I indulge because I plan for it. But then the next day, something as simple as a bad breakfast start can throw my entire day off... or a meal that didn't satisfy me, a bite of chocolate... anything really. Most people just do not understand it at all, "you can eat that, stop depriving yourself" "want a bite?" "you can splurge once and a while"... what they don't get is that we don't need much convincing. So stop it! Anyone that has gone through this process is part of a "family", we get it, and understand fully.

Does that mean that you surround yourself with only people that have lost a significant amount of weight by eating healthy and exercise? No. It's a work in progress, and when I say progress, I really mean we work on it for life.

Update on me:

Still on track and doing great :)
Eating great
Weighing in again every week, 4th week in a row of weekly weigh ins and the scale is moving in the right direction each and every time... I was up 2.4 from my goal since the end of December which doesn't seem like much. But to me its 2.4 too much.

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