Thursday, February 9, 2012

Morning workout? I think so

I typically go to the gym right after work, and if something comes up, my workouts seem to be the first thing to get placed on the back burner...

SO today I knew I wouldn't be able to go to the gym after work, so I set my alarm 30 minutes earlier (5am) and worked out before work. Something I have never done, and actually I quite enjoyed it! It was really nice to get it in and out of the way without really disrupting anything else I had going on :)

I am going on a dinner/shopping date with my dear friend tomorrow and won't be able to make it to the gym so I am planning on doing it again! I MAY need to do that more often and build it into more of a regular routine for a great start to the day.

Today was another great day:

30 Day Shred DVD for my workout
Ate great!

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