Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Few Tips for Successful Grocery Shopping

At the beginning of my journey grocery shopping was a huge fear for me, it was something that I had not mastered quite yet. I think everyone creates their own routine for shopping, and you get the same things over and over again or just items that are "comfortable". The first few times I picked up food, I went without my kids & hubby, and it took FOREVER. I was calculating everything out (for my WW points) and I would only put safe foods in my cart. I probably wasted lots of money while doing it too! Here are a few tips I have used along the way that make my shopping trip much easier, and cheaper too!

1. Be prepared, make a list after looking through your cupboards/fridge to determine what you really need so you're not buying duplicates.

2. Don't go hungry, eat before you go! (This one is the most crucial for me)

3. Most of the time, I go weekly shopping so that I am not buying a ridiculous amount of food. Just enough to last a week or so, I save money and food does not go to waste when I plan my meals accordingly.

4. Do your research, find out where the deals are. I buy all of my produce at Aldi's and meat at Walmart, just to save money. Seems silly, but when you are basically living off produce it really helps.

5. Buy the produce that is in season, I love summer months because you can get more varieties of produce. But that doesn't mean that in the winter I don't buy any because it's spendy. I just buy what is in season for the time of year.

6. Only put food in your cart that you feel you can eat with control. I have two young kids, so buying snacks is a necessity. But instead of buying junk food, I buy healthier options that still tastes good for them but if I decide to join in I can eat without overdoing it. Example: Chocolate Goldfish crackers, fruit strips, Reduced Fat Crackers, Sugar Free Pudding

7. I shop in the outside border of the store for 90% of my groceries. The outside borders are the only sections of fresh food that actually go bad. I buy very little in the middle sections, if the food doesn't go bad and can sit in my cupboard for months/years - I don't want it :)

8. Read the nutrition facts BEFORE putting the item in your cart. Even if it looks healthy from the packaging, looks can be deceiving. Look at new unfamiliar items carefully so you are fully aware of what you are bringing into your home.

9. Make healthy substitutions every chance you can. Example: Instead of buying regular noodles, buy wheat, salad dressing/cheeses buy light or fat free, instead of canned veggies buy frozen or fresh.

10. Lastly, and probably the most important for me. Prepare your produce the moment you are done putting groceries away. After I am done putting everything away, I line my counter with all of my fruit and veggies, wash every piece, cut it all up, and place the prepared food in containers for the fridge. It takes a little time but I never waste any produce, it is so much easier to grab and go when it is all ready ;)

Hope these help a bit, I use every single one of these tips every time I shop. Happy shopping!

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