Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tips for Success!

I received my very first blog comment today asking how someone can have success without joining a program like Weight Watcher's. My head began exploding with ideas for her! So instead of responding with a page long answer, she gave me my next idea for today's entry!

There are many, many ways to be successful with losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle. I'm STILL learning myself, I'm not a professional or health expert. These are just things that have helped me along the way and most of them, through trial and error.

1. Weigh yourself, and write it down. From that point on, continue to weigh yourself weekly, preferably at the same time.

2. Food journal. This was my least favorite thing, but by far the most important tool I have done. Seeing each day what I was putting in my mouth was a HUGE eye opener! I write down everything I eat, including condiments, portion sizes - everything. You'd be amazed what you eat without realizing it.

3. Before and progress pictures. I cried for days after taking my first set of pictures. I had no clue how heavy I was until I saw it in the pictures. I have continued to take the same pictures every ten pounds wearing the exact same thing. I am so glad I did this, watching my body change was so motivating!

4. Read labels and nutrition facts. Absolutely crucial, and do it BEFORE you eat it if possible.

5. Start off subtle. Instead of making a complete overhaul in one day, start off by focusing on one small step at a time.

6. Start moving! Regardless of the level of intensity, just move. Walk, run, yoga, strength training, whatever you enjoy or preference is. You need to get that heart going and work up a sweat!

7. Use small dinner plates.

8. Before a special event of any kind, eat a snack before you go. You are more likely not to over do it.

9. Set small goals. It feels overwhelming to focus on the "big" picture. Set realistic small goals, and work in 5 pound increments. And when you hit those small goals, celebrate it!

10. Have healthy snacks available and on hand. I carry baggies of fruit or veggies in my purse at all times, you have no idea how this has saved me!

11. Learn the menu at your favorite places to eat. I google the menu before going out to eat so I can be prepared prior to going.

12. Be prepared. During the week, I prepare my lunch/snacks the night before.

13. Do not over-restrict. Don't go into this with a mindset that you "cannot" eat that. Eat the things you enjoy in moderation. If I know I have a night out on the weekend, I am good all week so I feel like I can enjoy what I eat without the guilt.

14. Losing slow is best. This is a lifestyle, not a quick fix.

15. Some days are good, some are not so good. Own it, and move on. Tomorrows a new day :)

16. Don't be afraid to ask for substitutions when you order food. Most places will accomidate your request if you ask!

17. Talk about it! Don't be ashamed about the process. I found the more open I am the more accountable I am.

18. Ask for fat free dressing on the side! People are under the impression by ordering a salad, they are eating healthy. What they don't realize is the dressing is terrible for fat! Get it on the side and drizzle it instead of pouring the whole thing on top.

19. Splurge and take days off!

20. Most importantly, challenge yourself! Get out of your comfort zone a bit and try something new.

I could go on and on.... these are the top 20 most important tips I can give someone asking for advice! Again, totally MY opinion! There are many more, everyones process is different :)

Good luck and feedback is absolutely welcomed! Have a great day :)

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