Saturday, April 30, 2011

Making the Commitment, and sticking to it!!

Eating healthy, exercise, weight loss... those things felt like so much work and effort to me 10 months ago. You couldn't pay me to jump on the bandwagon, I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to dedicate myself to a complete life changing overhaul. It is a serious commitment to live a healthy lifestyle and it was something I knew nothing about. The fear of the unknown was keeping me back from making the plunge. I'd been struggling with my weight for years and like many people I'd say " I'm starting tomorrow..." Tomorrow just never came. I knew I wanted to change, but wanting and doing are two very different things. For months I'd been educating myself on the Weight Watcher's program, I'd go on the website or ask one of my coworkers about it. I was scared to death, scared of results, scared of failure, scared of changing my life. So if I was taking the time to into the program it seemed like I might actually do it "one day".

There were several turning points for me, I thought about food/eating all the time, every place we went to I'd eat before I got there and then eat again when I got there acting like it was the first time I'd ate, I went on vacation to visit my dad and everyday I was there I HAD to nap for hours, my "fat" clothes were too small, I'd make up any excuse not to walk to the park or play outside, looking at recent pictures of myself I didn't recognize who I was anymore. Several years ago my husband and I brought our daughter to a local amusement park, I went on a ride with her and was asked to get off because I didn't fit properly. I was devastated, how could I be TOO big to fit? After that point, I never went on another ride again, I'd stand on the side and watch. Most importantly I wasn't happy. I was miserable, its all I thought about. Something had to change, I was missing out on my own life, it was passing me by and I was not there!

When I knew I was ready, I joined Weight Watcher's and attended my first meeting. Hearing other people talk and knowing that they felt the same way I did was what I needed at that time. Extra support from someone other than my own family who I felt could not relate to how I was feeling. I remember calling my mom to ask her if she could watch my kids each Thursday so I could go to my meetings, she has always been my biggest supporter, but I could hear in her voice almost a doubt in my commitment. Like, ok I've heard this before... I wanted to prove everyone wrong and show them what I could do! I was doing this for me, and part of me felt that no one truly understood how serious I was "this time". I was determined. More determined than I had ever felt about anything in my life. I made the commitment.

The first month was by far the hardest, I was starving because I was used to overeating the wrong foods everyday but I was eating ALL the time. I was just eating fruit, yogurt, string cheese, popcorn, different foods. I was moving, I started walking around my block, and each week adding more time/distance to my walks. I WAS SEEING RESULTS!!! The scale was moving!! I kept telling myself, it will get easier...and after a short time - it did!I got over the initial withdraw from the crappy food I was eating, and started being more aware of what I was eating. And let's be honest, when you are noticing changes it becomes a little addicting! I wanted to keep going because I wanted to see more changes!

Throughout the 44 weeks to date, it hasn't always been easy. Its actually been the most challenging thing I've ever done. I have had good days/bad days/terrible days but to get through those days, I just focus on that day. Tomorrow will be better, and I will make different choices. There have been some people along the way that have made it more challenging, by putting temptation in front of me or giving me grief about "dieting"...I hate that word. That's probably what I like most about WW, if I choose to eat cake or a burger, its ok. Its part of the program, its so non-restricting. Absolutely livable. I needed something that would teach me tools to help me, not carve out what I can or cannot eat. WW might not be the answer for everyone, but learning to eat right and exercising is truly the key. Anyone can do it, and be successful!

I've gotten my life back, and I'm just so happy that I did it now and didn't wait another day! We can all make up excuses for starting something tomorrow, but why wait? What is so significant about tomorrow or next month? :) If you want it, and are ready to gain your life back... don't wait another day!


  1. YAY Sister! I am SOOOO proud of you and how hard you have worked and are working to have a healthier lifestyle!! :)

  2. Thank you very much! Your support means so much to me!
