Sunday, January 11, 2015

Turkey bacon just isn't bacon.

My husband left today to work out of town for this coming week so I made a big breakfast for our family before he left. French toast, scrambled eggs w/ onions, green peppers & tomatoes, and (gulp) turkey bacon. Now, I've substituted turkey meat all over the place and typically can not tell a major difference... that is not the case with bacon. Nothing should be substituted for bacon. Just throwing that out there. It was thin, flat, overly crunchy and seriously lacked flavor. But hey, can't blame a girl for trying!

This weekend was a little tougher for me because we had kids events ALL day long yesterday, which typically equals the dreaded concession stands. This time around, I packed my own healthy snacks to munch on while I sat in the dressing room with 30 dancers, plus other dance moms for 9 hours. Yes you read that right. (insert bottle of wine here...) I left the morning without eating breakfast, I think I honestly just forgot to. I was in such a hurry after getting myself and my daughter ready for her dance show I just spaced it. Well, it's our tradition to stop at Caribou on our way for a coffee for me and a cookies & cream snowdrift for her... Of course we could not break tradition so we stopped and I got myself a latte, her drink and an egg white and turkey bacon breakfast sandwich to the whopping tune of 8 WW points! It was the best choice I could make there, oh well. That was at 9:30am, the next time we got a chance to eat an actual meal was at 4 in-between dance shows so another family and us went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch/dinner. By this time I was dying, stomach growling, borderline shakes going on - waited WAY too long to eat. I did have a few snacks throughout the day but I needed real food. I order a Buffalo Chicken Flatbread WITH blue cheese, hey now, don't judge. I am human, and I was freaking starving. Not my best choice by any means, and boy did it cost me. This little flatbread was 26 WW points and the side of blue cheese was 8! Are you kidding me?!?!?!?! Needless to say, I will be working extra hard this upcoming week to make up for it!

Truth be told, it's ok. I didn't beat myself up over a day of poor choices, I am human and if I think I am not going to have splurges I am only setting myself up for failure. I could've made a better choice for sure, but I didn't want to. I wanted to eat it, enjoy it, and I did. But I also tracked it. I owned it. I didn't try to hide it!

Anywho - this week will be a biggie for me. I start a new job tomorrow and I have my first day back in college on Tuesday! EEEEK! It will be crucial for me to stay on track this week because it is my week #3, which has always been when I start to fall off the wagon and stress is hard for me to deal with. So here's to an excellent week! I WILL stay on track, I will do this. I will get past my week 3/4 curse and make it all the way! Wish me luck on my new ventures!

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