Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Love/Hate Relationship with The Scale.

Not that this is healthy, but possibly obsessive... I weigh myself every morning when I wake up. Literally, every single morning. I have been around the same weight for a couple of months now give or take a pound or two, but lately the scale has not been my friend. I really didn't intend on losing much more weight, but my "ultimate" goal is to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 143. I decided when I got to my goal of 50lbs loss, I would keep doing what I am doing and my body would eventually get there. I haven't been overly concerned about it, but it seems like no matter what I change up I am stuck at the same weight, 148/149.

I started tracking again, and have been very good about it for the last several weeks. I was training hard for my marathon, and now I have started back at the gym with my freed up time. And still, the scale won't budge.

Maybe this is the weight I am supposed to stay at? I really don't think so, I think my body can get down another 5lbs. I am not a big girl, I am 5'4" (barely) but yet for months, I am still here. Some days I am way down, and then the very next day I am up 2lbs. SOOOO frustrating.

But instead of throwing in the towel, I am going to keep trucking. Continue working out, eating right, and most importantly tracking. This just goes to show, that even after you have lost the weight it is still a struggle. Nothing comes easy, at goal, you still have to work to stay there.

Let's hope for some scale movement next week :)

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