Sunday, July 10, 2011

Let's be honest, I'm human...and struggling this summer!

Though I've been doing my best to make the right choices with eating, I've also been splurging more frequently on the weekend during my events taking place. Between BBQs, parties, and every other event that seems to consume every single weekend of my entire summer, its really hard to remain in control at all times. I basically has stopped tracking, mainly because I've been making really good choices for the last several months and I just honestly didn't really want to track for the rest of my life. I've been concentrating on making this my lifestyle and I know I will not be writing down my daily food intake forever, so I thought I would try it for a little knowing if I couldn't handle it, I'd start it again. For the most part, my eating is fine I eat healthy 95% of the time, but the weekends are killing me!!!!! I'm human and feel uneasy about all of the constant temptation summer is bringing me.

Now exercising is another story, it feels like I am always moving and doing some form of activity, but compared the level of intensity I am used to, I've been feeling like a slacker! Since getting Emma (our new puppy ) I've not been able to go to the gym after work, I don't live in town so I would go to the gym right after work before coming home. Well now, I have to rush home to let our puppy out of her kennel to go potty! I know once she is older and can hold it longer and I can get back in my routine but right now, I'm struggling! I have been getting in lots of cardio between walking our new puppy, running with her and keeping up with my two kids as well so I guess it could be worse...

Why is this weighing on me so much? Is this not ok? These things happen in life, and I am a normal human being so why can't I accept this and stop beating myself up? I've worked my butt off for the last year, am I just scared? Just goes to show how the ups and downs of the process don't go away, its just learning how to work through them and come out ok in the end.

I can and will get through this, I will make it all work...

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