Wednesday, October 7, 2015

I am GREAT! No really, I am seriously GREAT!

Life has gotten the best of me and I haven't blogged in what feels like FOREVER, I really have no reason, just life is happening and I am trying my best to stay afloat!

Let's see what has happened in the last several months...

-I finished two more semesters of school, and am back at it this semester with a completely full load.
-I didn't work the entire summer, and stayed home with my kids! Best decision EVER!
-I joined a new gym on June 1, and haven't stopped since!
-Was accepted into a short-term study abroad program and will traveling to Greece/Italy on June 1 of this upcoming summer for 13 days!
-My little sister got engaged and asked ME to be her Matron of Honor

So let me tell you about the gym, because that is probably the biggest thing lately! I kept seeing this post on FaceBook about a 6-week challenge starting June 1, so I decided to check it out, I knew I wasn't going to be working all summer and I was worried I would be lazy all summer and gain even MORE weight than I already had in the last couple of years. I wanted to do something about it, and commit to something that would keep me moving all summer.

Well I did, and it was literally the best thing I have ever done! I absolutely LOVE my gym! The six week challenge was basically a kick start to a new healthy life routine, eating clean and committing to 5 days a week workouts.At first I was so scared, can I really do this? Um, yes I can and I did! I completely went for it and dove right in. When the six weeks was up, I signed up for 6 more months! I am currently on week 19, and have lost about 15/16 lbs, 3-4 sizes in clothes and about a billion inches! I feel fantastic, I look forward to going to the gym and my body has been craving clean foods, with the occasional splurge :) I follow about 90/10 rule... The workouts are group fitness, so we workout in a group environment, which I love! It is so motivating, and really keeps me going!

With so many upcoming events, traveling oversees, being in my sister's wedding I want to be at my best and feel good! There is no end in sight for me :)

Here are a few pictures my gym took of me at the beginning and then again just recently....

The picture on the left was on June 1, 2015 (Day 1), the picture on the right was week 15 (about a month ago)

Anyways, just wanted to pop in a quick update! Not sure when I will blog again, but some time in the near future :) All good things are happening!

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