Saturday, January 3, 2015


When I first started my journey 4 1/2 years ago, I attended WW meetings every single week and tracked EVERYTHING. And I mean everything. I was so disciplined when it came to tracking, and boy did it work! It was such an eye opener, and really made me think before I ate something. It was a work in progress, and I learned throughout my journey ways to make it easier for myself but in the end I just simply wrote down everything. If I was traveling or away for the weekend, my tracker came with me and I did the best I could to write it all down even if I didn't know the exact points I just wrote it down and did a rough "guesstimate" :) As I started to get closer to my goal, my tracking became a little more relaxed and eventually non-existent after I met my goal. Whenever my weight started to creep up a bit I would just start tracking again and get myself back down to where I wanted to be. 

Throughout the last two years of my hiatus, I dreaded tracking again and avoided it at all costs. I told myself I knew what to do so I didn't need to track. I mean, am I really going to write down everything I am going to eat for the rest of my life? But for someone like me, who is addicted to food, I have to. I just do. It's necessary, and I need to do it for not only tracking what I am eating but to make myself more aware of the different choices I could be making that would be more food for less points...more bang for my buck so to speak. The goal for everyone that tracks is that it teaches you how to eat smarter and eventually it just becomes part of your lifestyle so you don't need to track formally anymore. But sometimes you just aren't ready yet... Like me. 

This past week I tracked everything, and it actually felt kind of refreshing to do it again. My food journal was my partner in crime for a long time, truth be told, I kind of missed it. Anyways, whether it's tracking WW points or just writing down what you are eating it works in different ways! I am currently using the ETools WW app I have on my phone, which is something I NEVER used before. I had a paper tracker and wrote it down by hand but this time around I am trying it electronically since I have my phone with me all the time. Why not? Change can be good! 

Here's a couple snapshots of what it looks like, this is from today's breakfast & lunch...

Total sidebar...

I put my scale in the closet (hidden) so it is not in the bathroom anymore! This was a HUGE step for me, but even though I told myself I didn't want to weigh myself every day and watch the scale ounce by ounce I did it twice without even thinking. So goodbye it went for a while! 

Anyways here's to another good day and hopefully weekend! 

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