Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I have an annoucement to make!

I am pleased to share that I officially became an employee of Weight Watcher's :) I am currently training to be the newest Leader in the WW family! I was hired a couple of weeks ago, and have started the training process...

I am excited, nervous, anxious, and many many more emotions for the process to begin. I feel like the tools that I will learn to lead an amazing group of people and support I can help provide are things I can use for a lifetime and apply in my everyday life. I am so honored to be given the opportunity to provide the support that I needed when I started my journey to the WW community. It is hard to believe that a little over a year ago I was walking into my first meeting looking for help, and now I can/will be that person at the door helping members through their very own journeys :)What an amazing feeling!

More to come on the training process, I have no idea what meeting I will be taking over and it is a lengthy training process. I will share when I know more :) Yay! So exciting!


  1. How did you go about getting hired? I would like to try and do that when I get to my lifetime? Good for you and congrats on your weight loss!

  2. Thank you very much! I just applied on the WW website for the position, they called for an interview, and I was hired :) Good luck to you!
